Health Privacy Update: New Health Privacy Decision 72 – Correction Request
IPC just released Decision 72
It’s another correction request. The IPC decided not to review the complaint. The medical clinic did not have to make the correction.
A medical clinic received a correction request asking that a specific reference prepared by a physician be removed. The author physician had died. The clinic refused the request. The physician’s one-page handwritten note related to the patient’s visit three years earlier. The patient specifically wanted reference to a hospital stay removed as it was hampering her legal claim. The clinic agreed not to release the note to third parties without the patient’s express consent.
The IPC concluded there were no reasonable grounds for a review.
The patient had not provided the clinic with enough information to enable the clinic to correct the record. She did not provide information to demonstrate the notation about the hospital stay was wrong or made in error. The medical clinic did not need to make the correction.
Bottom Line: This decision is consistent with the IPC’s other correction decisions. There is no specific response required of custodians.
Click here to read my summary of all 72 IPC Decisions.