TIME Self-Assessment for lawyers
What is the issue lawyers complain about the most? Time.
What should lawyers be thinking about? Time, sure. How to be more efficient, productive, effective.
Money? Yes.
But what else?
What if we evaluated our success in four categories: Time, Impact, Money and Experiences. T.I.M.E.
Time and Money we already know and measure.
Impact relates to the contribution we are making for our clients.
Experiences relate to our learning, creative output and alignment with our values.
I coach lawyers to who want to live creative lives and expand the freedom in their time, impact, money and experiences. I help lawyers translate their billable hourly advice into scalable products that create multiple revenue streams without working more hours.
Take my free TIME Self-Assessment to gain some insight into your “success”. Then email me to book a 20 minute Discovery Call to see if coaching is for you.