You are not alone

One of the most important things to remember when working in health care is that you are not alone.
When in doubt, ask for advice.
If you ever have cause to think to yourself:
“Wow. This is the hardest situation I’ve ever had to manage.”
“In all my years of doing this, I am really scared about what’s happening and what I should do.”
“Huh. There is no good answer here. I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t.”
That is NOT the time to conclude with … “I think I will go it alone! I won’t ask anyone else’s opinion or check with someone what they would recommend I do.”
The road to coroners’ inquests and costly litigation is paved with stories of people who knew they were in a pickle – but didn’t ask for advice.
As a health leader or healthcare provider, you are not required to be omniscient. You will face difficult situations where there is no “perfect” way forward.
When that happens, seek advice.
You are not alone. Talk to an advisor, colleague, supervisor, regulatory body, or professional association. Of course there may be privacy considerations you have to manage. But there are ways to do that while you get the supports you need.