I’m Kate Dewhirst.

My team and I write about legal issues affecting healthcare in Canada.

Kate Dewhirst Health Law - bringing the law to life. Meet Kate (in 13 seconds)

Celebrating 2 years! What’s coming next?

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Thrilled to be celebrating 2 years at Kate Dewhirst Health Law and Law2Life Coaching.

This year has been amazing and also very difficult.  When asked, I’ve been answering, “It’s been the best of times and the worst of times.”


  • We welcomed dozens of new clients. The heart of our work is serving healthcare organizations and we continued to expand our reach through our day-to-day legal advice, in-person training and online courses
  • We now officially serve more than half of all the family health teams in Ontario! If you are a FHT and you don’t know us yet – we’d love to work with you too!
  • Advanced Privacy Officer training launched – it’s an interactive course – like a choose your own adventure for privacy officers with real life scenarios and twists and turns
  • We updated our website to serve you better!   Have you checked out our main website lately?
  • We won a blog award!
  • We made the summary of all the IPC decisions free – if you are a Privacy Officer in a healthcare organization in Ontario, this is a must have resource (which is kept up-to-date)
  • I was the keynote speaker for the Law Society of Ontario’s Coach and Advisor Network
  • I joined Choir!Choir!Choir! – so much fun!


There has been a lot of personal loss this year. That of course affects a business and us as a team.  In January, my beautiful sister Beth passed away unexpectedly.  In August, my wonderful dog, Marge the Bouvier, died.  The outpouring of support from family, friends, colleagues, and clients has been tremendous.  In these times of profound grief and loss, there have been incredible windows of opportunity to connect with others in a deeper, more meaningful way.


Kate Dewhirst Health Law has some exciting upcoming events!

Law2Life Coaching is the best place for successful lawyers to unlock more fun and fulfillment from life and work. Last year, we 10x the number of coach participants we served from the year before. Stay tuned this year for:

  • December 4 – Let’s talk about stress: Resilience training for exhausted lawyers with Christine Burych of Starlingbrook Leadership Consultants – accredited for 3 professionalism hours
  • The Studio: An interactive environment for practicing the art of law
  • Anchors and Kites – leadership advice book launch

Get on the mailing list for Law2Life Coaching.

Thank you for celebrating with us.  On behalf of Melissa, Alec and me, we really appreciate your continued trust in us!

If you are interested in more information and staying in touch, please subscribe to my mailing list to be kept up-to-date in health law or legal coaching or both!

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Previous and next posts from Kate:

Some of Kate’s recent and upcoming events

Free healthcare privacy webinar - ask me anything!
the first Wednesday of every month

Free webinars - advance registration needed

Whether you're an experienced privacy officer or new in the field, pick Kate’s brain for free for an hour, in this live webinar. No charge, but you’ll need to register in advance.

Health Privacy Officer Foundations training
starts October 2024

For Privacy Officers within healthcare organizations.

This course focuses on how to become a more confident privacy officer and gives you the tools to document your privacy program. Full details and registration here...

Join the Shush: a collective of health privacy officers
Annual membership 2024

For Privacy Officers within healthcare organizations

This is an annual membership program that takes theory into practice and tackles real life scenarios to build Privacy Officer skills.
Full details and registration here.

Primary care webinars: Employment Law Update & Legal Issues for EDs and Board members

Part of Kate’s monthly webinar series.

Our 2024 program is now live.
Full details of the 2024 webinar series and registration here.

Mental Health webinars: Legal issues for mental health and addictions agencies and teams
Annual membership 2024

For managers and other leaders from mental health and addictions agencies, hospitals, CMHAs, CHCs, school boards, FHTs and Indigenous health services

This is an annual membership program with monthly webinars.
Full details and registration here.

Team Privacy Training Events

For Primary Care clinics, Hospitals, Community Agencies, Mental Health Teams, Public Health Units, School Boards, Police departments

Scheduled to your team's needs for comprehensive or refresher training More details...

Free summary of all PHIPA IPC decisions

Want to read privacy breach stories to learn how to improve your work? We have summarized all the Information and Privacy Commissioner's health privacy decisions for you Download here...

Kate Dewhirst Health Law

Kate says:

My mission is bringing the law to life. I make legal theory understandable, accessible and fun! I’m available and love to work for all organizations in the healthcare sector across Ontario and beyond.

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  • contact details

    P.O. Box 13024, RPO Bradford Centre
    Bradford, ON, L3Z 2Y5

    (416) 855 9557
